Natural Products

About US

About us

Natural Products

The company was created by Roche Sappier from Tobique First Nation in New Brunswick. Roche is an inventor and business person that has devoted his carrier at studying the ways of his people, their ability to work in harmony with and respect for, mother nature. He has always been fascinated by their use of plants for medicinal purposes and he has created interesting products out of this knowledge.

Our water is sourced in a protected area in New Brunswick Canada. The water flows deep below ground through old rock formations.

This journey through natural filtration, provides to the water the ideal minerals and the proper PH of 7.1 that the human body needs.

You will notice that our water has a nice refreshing taste and is one of the only waters that you can drink at room temperature and it still retains its great taste.

He has four minority partners that have helped him with Turtle Island: Rene Chiasson shareholder of Jano Water and Leo LeBlanc a business consultant in Economic Development. Curtis Bartibogue and Chkwabun Sappier are directores of marketing and sales. 

Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiment

Dr. Emoto, a Japanese author, reseacher, photographer whose Water Crystal Experiments proves that positive and negative words can change the shape of a water molecule.






Pure Spring Water


Natural Flavoring

For our Honey Spring Water Based products


PH Level

Our water is ranked top 3 best in the world

Honey Spring Water

Innovative ideas for a Better Future

Honey Water

Turtle Island Aqua

Our Vision

The well-being of people through our natural products

Our Mission

To share the healing power of mother nature, respectfully, through our innovative products and solutions.

Our team

We are ready to serve you

Roche Sappier

Roche Sappier



Chkwabun Sappier

Chkwabun Sappier



Curtis Bartibogue

Curtis Bartibogue



Léo LeBlanc

Léo LeBlanc



René Chiasson

René Chiasson

